Legal notice

Owner operating the rights of the website

Head office: 50 chemin de Pouton – 64990 Urcuit
Phone number: +00.33.05 59 42 95 34
E-mail :
Siret : 409 564 390 000 14
Intracommunity VAT number FR02 409564390
Code APE : 2562B
Legal drafting : limited liability company

Design and implementation of the website

Graphic and technical design: Vibrance – Communication agency
Email :
Business line: 06 01 27 04 05

Protection of intellectual rights of the website

The website, as well as all related rights, is the exclusive property (and in its totality) of the company IDIARTEC.
Total or partial reproduction of this website, by any process whatsoever, without express authorization of the website owner is prohibited and would constitute an infringement sanctioned under articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

In accordance with the law No. 2000-230 of 13/03/2000, adapting the law of evidence to information technology and on electronic digital signature, the identity graphic charter of this website and the entire content of the website pages are the property of the company IDIARTEC, specified above.

Photo credits, visual pictograms and logos

All the information and the entire content of the website pages depend to the French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.
All reproduction rights are reserved.
Any reproduction, integral or partial, without written permission of the company IDIARTEC is strictly forbidden.
(Art. L 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code).